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  • lydawn619

Progressive Business

In today’s modern-day businesses and corporations are held to a higher standard, there is more to worry about then just making the shareholders happy. Progressive Business is the idea that in the 21st century now more than ever businesses should feel a responsibility towards their stakeholders. The book The American Creed explains the classical creed and the managerial creed. The book suggests that at the beginning of the 20th century the world was in the classical creed, focused on individualism, materialism and hand work. Although now in the late 20th century and the turn of the 21st century society operates around the managerial creed, the idea that businesses have a responsibility toward the community. This is progressive business and it is found in almost all walks of life. In conclusion progressive business is what drives innovation and change, it is important characteristic of success. Although it is not the only thing involved in success, businesses must not forget about their individual well beings.

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